Need help with Proceed AVP setup

hi, I just picked up a Proceed AVP used. Everything seems to work fine, but I can't get the On Screen display to show up. Before I punt, I was hoping someone could advise me on a couple questions:

1) Is there anyway to reset all operating settings to Factory Defaults? I've not been able to find a reset procedure in the manual.

2) Is it possible to do a total reboot of the software? ie where the system does a complete reload/

I was able to do this on my Lexicon and it usually solved minor issues like this.

thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by nguyen357

I owned the AVP2. When you said your OSD still not on, do you mean on the front panel of the AVP's or on the TV's screen hooked up with Video out put from your AVP to your TV set?