Need help with priorities

I want to buy an intergraded but I don't understand some basics.I'm using Nola Viper Sig speaker's and a Wadia 860.
*Should I be concerned if the intergraded is fully balanced?
I've read that the Wadia may be better using the XLR's with a fully balanced unit.Also,some unit's have XLR input's but are not fully balanced.Any advantage there?
*Is it a good idea to get an intergraded that include's a phono stage.I want a simple system and a built in phono stage is one less piece.How important is the interaction between the phono stage and TT/cartridge?I plan on adding a TT later.

I've read that the Nola's like tube's and I would like to try tube's with them(I'm a little tube shy but I'm working through it).Most of the tube intergraded's in my price range (6k)do not have balanced input's.Big deal?Not a big deal?

I don't post much but I read along when I can.Thank's in advance for any help you guy's and gal's can give.


Showing 2 responses by arbuk

MATRIX-Thank you for the explanation.I have found a much wider range of unbalanced unit's out there to look at.I can see where the balanced input's could be a "make or break" in some system's but it sound's like for my purposes I don't need to sweat it.The extra dollar's could probably do more good elswhere in my sys.
*About how long can a RCA cable be before the performance is reduced?

KALAN-What initiated this thread was that while browsing through the virtual-system's I saw that many of the rig's assembled by long time high-end user's have unbalanced gear! I started to wonder why so many review's hinted that balanced component's were nearly essential.
also,I contacted my local Cary dealer concerning a built-in phono-stage and he will call Cary for me.I made an appointment to demo a SLI-80,the PM-7200 will go on my list.Less expensive is good.
I appreciate your comment's.