Need help with preamp purchase

What I have so far.
cd ayre c5xe
amp h20 S250

Looking for an active preamp with balanced connections. Has to have a remote. I will also concider a passive pre with the above features. The most important thing is that it has to mate well with the h20. Price wise I'm concidering $5000 - $6000. I can go a little above $6000 but not by much. Oh and no tubes at all!!! Come on guys voice your thoughts!!!

Showing 3 responses by chadaudio816

I have looked at the ayre. And have read the latest review from, I think that's it. From the review it sounds like the guy really loved this pre. My only question would be if it would mate well with the h20. I don't have a glue of what the specs mean.

The same thing with the Placette dual active line stage, mating with the h20.

I think my top choice would be the fire pre. With the Ayre in second. I'm going to see if I can talk to henry about it. I don't think it's up for sale though since it's not on his site.

As far as tubes, I'm not a big fan ever since I tried a tubed cd player. The cd player dimmed the highs and made the lows sound slow, not in pace with the music, and had no attack at all. The only think that I loved was the mids, tubes are great with voices. I can't remember the name of the player.
Thanks for you responses guys.
Tvad and Audiofankj

I might give tubes a try down the road. Tvad I live in Los Angeles,Ca. I will love to give your system a listen, when you have time. Get in touch with me through this tread and let me know.
Sent you an email. For the rest I will report what my ears hear and get back to this thread. If Tvads tubes makes me dance in his chair then I will have to change my mind and go the tubes route.