Need Help with Plasma Burn In vs. DLP Decisions

I am researching a possible a Plasma TV purchase (brand is to be determined) but I am getting conflicting statements regarding burn in problems. For example, from watching shows with the 4:3 aspect ratio, will I get burn in where the black bars were? In other words, how long can I watch these channels before I MUST change the channel to a full screen display? I have about 12 HD stations but many are not HD. For non HD stations, I was told to stretch to full display but this seems to distort the view. Does Plasma have other usage restrictions?

Fom a cost view point, does a Samsung DLP TV purchase make more sense than a Plasma? My local Retailer is recommending the Plasma since it looks better but many of my friends have purchased the Samsung DLP (50") and like it very much. Any comments on Plasma burn in and plasma vs. DLP would be appreciated. Thanks

Showing 1 response by bruceomega

My $0.02 worth,

Have you decided on a screen size? In my own case, a large screen size was a high priority, and price versus screen size weighed heavily in my decision.

About 2 years ago I bought a 61" Samsung DLP and have been very happy with it. A smaller screen size just would not have been as enjoyable, for me. I liked the PQ of plasma, but in a 61" screen size the price was prohibitive at that time. You will have your own priorities and preferences.

One recommendation is to look at the new generation of 1080p native resolution RPTVs before making any decisions. The Sony 70" Qualia is available now, although it is expensive. Samsung for sure, and I believe others to follow, is in the process of releasing 1080p DLP sets at a much more affordable price than the Qualia. From what I have read, the PQ of the 1080p Samsungs is outstanding.
