Need help with buying decision-mains

I'm working to build a decent home theater system without breaking the bank. 80% of the use of the speakers will be home theater and 20% will be divided among classical (mainly symphonic stuff with a lot of "full sound") and older jazz recordings. My current setup is:

Denon AVR-3801 Receiver
Yamaha CD Player CDC-91
Harman Kardon HKTS-12 Speakers (boxed 5.1 set) (I know this is probably an affront to everyone here)
Panasonic DVD Player

The receiver is decent and I'm hoping to upgrade the speakers in stages. I'm thinking of mains and a center channel to start with that I could use alone for music and in the system for surround.

I've listened to and/or read a ton of reviews on the followings: Axiom M60ti; Paradigm Monitor 7v2; NHT 2.3; PSB Mini; Magnepan MMG. I love the sound of the Maggies, but, my room has a ton of different angles and I think I'd smother them. Also, I'd like something with a little more umph for the HT.

Budget is around $1100 for fronts and center channel. I'll definitely consider used. My long range plan is to upgrade all of the speakers to a decent 7.1 system and then move to separates and better CD/DVD players.

Any help is appreciated. I'm, obviously, new at this.

Showing 1 response by sedona

Go take a look at or call John
John created the Harmonic Recovery system that is little known but highly regarded.
Model 266 is $1195 and gets excellent reviews on different audio forums.
One thing, the web site is terrible but his speakers are incredible, small company out of Conn and everyone I know who has a pair loves them and he has some in every price range.
Best of Luck