Need Help With Building DIY Grounding Cable


I am planning to build a DIY grounding box. I am planning to connect my DAC and Integrated amp to this grounding box by connectig the unused RCA input terminals on the both. For this I need to create two cables with Banana at one end and RCA at the other end so that I can connect them via speaker binding post on grounding box.

I need help with how & where to attach (solder) the cable on RCA socket.

I also need help in understanding if I can connect both L & R RCA input sockets on same amp to same grounding box (assuming I am going to solder the wire on the shell/-ve part of RCA connector)? Also Can I similarly connect all unused inputs on DAC/Amp to grounding box.

I understand attaching multiple inputs to grounding box is not going to amplify the effect & I just want to do it for protection of those input terminals.




Showing 3 responses by hsounds

Just remember signal ground and chassis ground are not the same. If you components are balanced be very careful. Typically the neg on the RCA or the outer circle is the only thing connected to ground as long as the components are not XLR/ balanced. 

You should check out Puritan cables. They have these RCA spring clip to banana ground cables. There is a great trick for this. Get yourself a speaker wall plate with 5 red and 5 black 5 way posts. They are usually $15. Take one stripped copper and connect it in a loop. Start with the top red and go round robin entil you end up back at the red from behind the plate. Connect all of your signal ground together. Leave one of the ten posts open to connect your star ground to a ground. I use Puritan GroundMaster. If you do not want to put 8’ rods in the ground then buy the GroundMaster City. It lets you use the buildings ground without the worry of damaging your equipment. They make a Puritan RouteMaster as a star ground. I just told you how to make one for $15. 
if you are doing a chassis ground and a signal ground you will need two separate star grounds (speaker plates) and two separate GroundMaster City devices if you decide to connect them to ground. Never combine signal ground and chassis ground unless you confirm with you component manufacturer. I am going to do the chassis ground this winter. I have friends who have tested it out. They say it really creates a black background. My system is really good already but it will be a fun experiment.