Need help w/ Audible Illusions M3A

First off I'll say that I'm new to owning tube gear and appreciate any advice Audiogoner's can give. I own an Audible Illusions M3A and it has developed some "hiss" in the right channel. It's loud enough to hear when the system is idling from 12 feet away, and therefore fairly annoying. It doesn't sound as though the performance is comprimised any other way though. Time for new tubes? If so, any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


associated equipment:

Audio Research D-200
Theta Data basic
California Audio Labs Sigma II
Vandersteen 2CE
Synergistic/XLO cables
Tice Solo

Showing 1 response by gthirteen

I don't own one, but a couple of friends, have or do currently.

Rumor has it that these units are TOUGH on tubes.
What you are hearing is most likely a tube issue, if it is constant. If the sound only occurs when the right volume knob is being turned, it might be something else, like a bad pot.
BigTee is a good guy, and he has Vandys, and a AI pre, and he has dealt with AI's service dept before, so he might have some pertinent info.

If it were mine, I would, unplug it, open the unit, swap the tubes from right to left, and if the noise follows the tubes to the left side, well, you've found your bad tube(s).

I cant remember if the M3A uses one, two or 3 pairs of 6922 tubes, but either way, NOS ones are NOT cheap.

I think Electro Harmonix makes these tubes now, and, again, if ti were me, I'd check out Kevin at Upscale Audio (now there are other tube sellers, sure, but I like to get things FAST, and like Kevin's knowledge and testing).
He can probably suggest some other alternatives, and I am positive that he has retubed AI stuff before.

Anyway, I'm not speaking from experience, but I've read on this site, and heard from friends, that AI's support might be hit and miss.

So it may be faster to order replacement tubes from a source other than AI, but again, I'm not speaking from personal experience.

One thing is for sure, they make a helluva preamp.
Good luck, and I'm sure there'll be many many more responses, once everyone gets off work.
