Need help w/ Audible Illusions M3A

First off I'll say that I'm new to owning tube gear and appreciate any advice Audiogoner's can give. I own an Audible Illusions M3A and it has developed some "hiss" in the right channel. It's loud enough to hear when the system is idling from 12 feet away, and therefore fairly annoying. It doesn't sound as though the performance is comprimised any other way though. Time for new tubes? If so, any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


associated equipment:

Audio Research D-200
Theta Data basic
California Audio Labs Sigma II
Vandersteen 2CE
Synergistic/XLO cables
Tice Solo

Showing 1 response by dekay


You can pick up low noise Reflector 6h23/EB's from ATSI Tube for aprrox. $45-$50/matched pair (not certain of the current price). They are dead quiet and work quite well in the 3A.

I tubed my friends 3A with ATSI's in the line stage and Siemens 7dj8/PCC88's in the phono stage, over a year and a half ago (both pairs are still going strong).

I no longer have a source for the 7dj8's, but two matched pairs of the ATSI 6h23/EB's will also work.