Need help - using Panasonic BD30 as transport

Firstly I am a novice in using a Transport + DAC. I am now using Panasonic BD30 Bluray player as a transport for a 2 ch system, feeding into a DIY Audionote DAC. Got some simple questions;

1) when playing audio CD, I can't seem to select a song by the title. I have to scroll song by song. Is there a way around this? (sounds stupid, but no matter what I tried, can't seem to get the numbering to work).

2) when playing Bluray concert via the 2 channel AN DAC, I get somewhat compressed sound, definitely not in the same league as when listening to CD, is this normal? i.e. when downsample to PCM?
Regarding the first point, I can't play, for example track 9 by pressing 9 on the remote (projector screen turned off). I have to press the chapter forward button nine times to get there, very irritating.

That's unusual. The only thing I can think of is that your multi-function remote control may disable the keypad function if you select "TV" accidentally. I've seen that happen on some DVD player remotes I've had before. I guess the thinking is that when the remote is being used for TV you'll be likely to use the keypad for channel input, not track input.
Yes I decided to let go the standalone CDP as I wanted to have as few components as possible as well. Not sure if I will be kicking myself for that or not.

Regarding the first point, I can't play, for example track 9 by pressing 9 on the remote (projector screen turned off). I have to press the chapter forward button nine times to get there, very irritating.
Well, you and I are in the same boat. I've been using a Sony BDP-S300 Blu_Ray player as a transport for my headphone system because I want as few components in my living room as possible. The Sony is hardly the most efficient transport.

Regarding (1), I'm not sure what you mean -- do you mean selecting tracks using your TV and the player's on-screen display?

Regardless, if you were able to do it before you hooked it up to the DAC, you should be able to do it now.

Regarding (2), is this true of every Blu-Ray concert DVD you've tried or just one? After all, not all discs have well-recorded audio.