Need help understanding signal to subwoofer

I have a CJ 2 channel system in which I incorporate HT with a HT receiver connected through the 2 ch pre via video loop. The HT receiver powers the center and rear channels. The CJ powers the fronts. If I connect a subwoofer to the CJ via low level inputs, how much bass information (if any) will I be losing in the HT mode?

I know the REL and ACI Titan have connections for simultaneous running of LFE from processor and line connections for 2 channel. However I am toying with getting something smaller ie Sunfire or B&W 2500. These can only be connected to 1 source (I think) Therefore the question about information loss to HT. About 75% of my time is spent in music, but I do want the use of the sub with movies without having to change connections. I also do not want to have the HT processor on to listen to 2 channel. If there is a way to connect these subs and get the best of both worlds, please let me know? Here's a link to my system.

As always, Thanks for your help

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If your use would be 75% music and 25 percent HT then I would suggest using a REL subwoofer as you mentioned. I have used the LFE connection for HT and the direct speaker output connection for music. My suggestion is to find the space to place a Storm III or a Strata III. You will not regret the purchase. I owned two different Sunfire models and found that they were great for home theatre but did not integrate well with my speakers in two channel stereo. The B&W Subwoofer did not integrate as well with my speakers as did the REL, my main speakers are B&W N803's.