Need Help Starting from Scratch

Hi Everyone,
I've been reading as much as I can and thought I could use more input from people in which direction to head and less of this is better than that. I have no components at the moment other than my PC which outputs digital. I think I might need a DAC.

I have a small living room in my apartment which will be my primary listening area. It's about 12x12. I'm looking for a 2 channel setup. This will be just for music. My budget is 1000 to tops of 2000(if it really gets me that much more. Used/old is great). I don't know what route to go(integrated amp--> speakers vs pre-amp to amp to speakers). I'm by no means an audiophile but I really enjoy music and my current logitech 5.1 speakers aren't cutting it. I listen to mostly rock of sorts and do love finding a good female vocal.

I guess where i'm lost also is what components I really need. I.e. computer outputs digital so I hook that up to a DAC to pre-amp to amp to speakers? I also don't understand how I can make sure every component will work together. Would a receiver make it that much easier? I'm concerned about the sound of a receiver for music. Thoughts/comments are much appreciated. Thanks
I think active speakers are a good option for you. It solves a huge problem, which is finding amplification that matches your speakers well. That can be tough. Active speakers have many advantages, and if you do some research, you might just go that way. For instance, the bass driver will use a class D amp, and the mid/tweeter will use class A/B, and they only get the signal they can play. Can't do that easily with passive speakers.

I think the iDecco is a great choice as it has a wonderful DAC, switchable tube preamp, and the digital iPod dock allows for pure digital to the DAC without the problems of noise and jitter from the PC. You can find them on here new for $800.

For active speakers, check out vanns dot com, and look at the Klipsch XF48. This is their $2,500 floor standing active speaker...and they are on sale for $800 a pair. Free shipping even. :-)

That's $1,600 for one hell of a system. You can always add a sub too if needed. Make your own Cat5 speaker cables, and get some decent power cables...lovely.

I'm going to use them for my winter system, running off a Roth MC4 tube iPod Dock. Get the warmth of tubes, and the integrated power of solid state. Last winter I used this with Mirage OMD-5 satellites and a Mirage Prestige S8 sub...sounded amazing.

Hope that helps some. :-)
You're getting some great advice so far from what I can tell.

The only potential advantage to the Elite Reciever would be that the cost might allow you to push more of the current budget towards other items and then you could upgrade to a better 2-channel amplifier at a later date. It does have a pure audio mode that shuts down the unnecessary circuitry (my CD player shuts all digital circuits off including the front panel display) so it's almost a 2 channel amplifier and I'd suspect that you'd be very happy with it's sound, maybe not.

It also depends on if you're thinking that this is your one chance to get your system or if you think it's the beginning of a journey. I recently replaced just about everything, but am not done for a long time when it comes to components.

I don't think you can go wrong with any of the other suggestions.
Those klipsch speakers are a complete steal. It may make me change my plans and go with active speakers. Which leads me to my next point

I do believe this is the start of my journey. With that being said, I would like to have something that I can be very happy with for a while. I want maybe one or two components that could possibly not be needed to upgrade. The active speakers leave me little option for that. I would have to sell those and get all new. Not necessarily a bad thing with those klipsch speakers. They may last for an extremely long time and should have a good resell value since I got them for so cheap. Which leads me to my next point

Ahhh decisions... Thanks for everyone's input though. I know have all the information to make a wise decision. Theres are many roads and now I just need to decide which would be best for me.
$700 on the speakers paired with a good Denon or Oryko receiver would be a good start. the receivers will have docks.
Look for a good integrated amp that is designed for 2 channel music that match the type of speakers that you end up liking after some audition time. Some receivers can be decent but there are a lot of integrated amps that really shine at the purpose they are designed for. Not knowing what your musical preferences are, it might be good to look at something like used maggies or martin logan that will have a very high performance/cost profile.