need help on minimal analog set-up

Thanks in advance for any help. I am considering an analog only set-up for my small study. Turntable/phono/pre/headphones only. maybe future small speakers. I have an old Mitsubishi LT-5V turntable that i am thinking of resurecting. i am not a big hardware man (serious software collection), my living rooom system consists of nads, rega 25 and rega Rega Super Elys, lehmann black cube, totem sig 1's, cardas and kimber wire. Any recs on cartrige for the mits, or dump the mits, phono /pre/ headphones, etc? say i invest 4k total, used. would be interested in tube.

thanks again,

Showing 1 response by tfta

Hey Gary:

I'm with Dave, I think that's a great recommendation! You might also consider an SF Line 1 or 2 in place of the Melos as they employ the Headroom headphone circuit. This will be a great foundation for you to add an amp and speakers to when you're ready. (Hint: You might be tempted to swap the Rega and the Music Hall, you never know!)
