need help on dynakit st 35

I'm new to tube amplifiers. I got a dynakit st 35 and that aside from the hum in both channels, the left channel also crackles. I also noticed that the left channel was heating up so fast that I turned off the amp to avoid damages. I also noticed that one of the el 84 tubes on the left side was glowing brighter than the others. There wasn't any leaks from its capacitor.

I will highly appreciate any advice.

Showing 1 response by jvia

Sounds like a # of problems, You probably deduced the need for new tubes, and it sounds like the need for new capacitors. I would also be checking around for cold and loose solder joints. Check the values of all components if you can, after 40 years they almost have a right to not have held their values(I know I haven't). Won't get too expensive as long as the transformers are good, you could do a lot of good bringing it up to speed for less than $150, and a nice little amp when working properly