Need help-Looking for A New MC cartridge

I’m looking for a new cartridge to replace my worn to the bone Ortofon SPU Royal N. On an SME 3012 R 12” arm trough a Supratek Corteese. 

Thinking about the following:

van den Hul Frog

E.A.T Jo 5

Hana ML

Re-tipping the SPU 

I realize these are pretty different in price, but I’m trying to get a bead on what they sound like. I’ve only listened to my SPU. I would love some input on the other two comparatively . I’m also open to any additional recommendations that would work.

 I’m leaning to buying one and re-tipping the SPU for a back up. 

All comments and recommendations appreciated.






Showing 1 response by rauliruegas

Dear @ryanrd  : For that " one " you can buy the Hana Umami Red, it's a good choice and you can't go wrong with.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
