Need Help Locating Schematics for Bedini 100/100
I have a Bedini 100/100 that recently died. Several place I have contacted about looking at it for repair have not gotten back so I assume they have no idea what to do with it or have never heard of them. Looking for either schematics of the amp or a local repair that I might contact (Long Island, NY). It is one of only a few pieces I have that I do not have boxes so the more local the better as shipping would be doable, but difficult.
Both channels have no output, have switched sources to make sure it was the amp and now I put an old stand-by a Perreaux 3150 amp in its place. It is my office system and if I must move on from the Bedini suggestions for an economical (read cheap) amp to replace with.
Associated equipment, running a Quicksilver pre, Shahinian arcs, mostly stream from desktop. Considering a streamer but like I said, it is just in my work office...