Need Help Jennifer Warnes & Cowboy Junkies Music


Could some one recommend me the same kind of music as Jennifer Warnes and Cowboy Junkies? I am pretty new in music types. I like the their vocal and simple music instruments. I also like acoustic music too, but preferably with the singer(s) as well.

Thanks a lot,


Showing 1 response by nrchy

Have you tried Clair Marlo or Sara K.? I'm not sure what you're looking for and I have LPs by both Jennifer Warnes and the Cowboy Junkies. Is it female vocals you are seeking and/or enjoying?
Let me suggest something unusual, have you heard of or listened to "Blackmore's Night?" It's Ritchie Blackmore with a girl named Candice Night singing and writing. They are much more acoustically oriented than RB's previous outings. They have a kind of mideval sound to many of the tracks.
I like both of the artists you listed and I like Blackmore's Night. If you can listen before buying that might be best, I don't want you to get stuck with something you don't like, but this is good fun stuff.
Good luck.