Need help in picking a good preamp/processor


I am looking to replace my no remote acurus RL10 preamp with something that is more recent. I am torn between sticking to just 2ch with remote or a HT proc with good 2ch performance. My requirements are real good 2ch performnace. So if I am going with a good HT, I need very good 2ch performance and good D/A for playing my CDs (I have a panasonic CD/DVD player) I also need the usual DD DTS. But 5.1 performance is just fine.

My amp is Acurus A150 and speakers are Hales Revelation III.

Please help

classe ssp-75 would be a good pick. if you don't need component inputs, there ssp-25 and ssp-30 units are also very nice. mcintosh mx-13x series are also very nice. Mcintosh also carries the mht series integrated 2 channel/ht amps. if you need more power, you can always use seperate amps to power your speakers. IMO, most of the pre/pros out there give up 2 channel performance for dd/dts capability. I feed my ht equipment into my 2 channel preamp. when i listen to music, i only use my 2 channel gear, when i watch movies, i feed the output of the ht processor/amp to the l/r channels into my audio gear and the center and surround speakers are driven from my ht gear. works well. good luck.

Thanks for your responses.


I intentionally did not give a budget as it often restricts looking at the choices simply because of $$. However, I did indicate my other equipment just prevent us going overboard and beyond the capability of my current equipment.


I am a classe fan and therefore I like both SSP 25 and 30. I am afraid that SSP75 may be a overkill considering the rest of the system. What about SSP 50? Any thoughts on Proceed PAV/PDSD or Krell HTS?

Anthem avm-2 or 20 depending on budget. Will sound better, have better displays and be more flexible than the act 3 (in my opinion).