Your dimensions aren't too bad. You probably have a bump around 40 Hz, but I doubt it's so serious that you can't tame it (at least most of the way) with passive devices. I would still recommend that before you begin, chart the frequency response and find out how bad the bump is. Then you can see how effective any changes you make are. The measurements don't replace listening of course (and sometimes a flat response sounds just like that--flat--not involving), but I would still do it to have an objective measure to help guide you. Once you get close to eliminating the bass problem, you will need to fine tune things with your ears, not with measurements.
Your dimensions aren't too bad. You probably have a bump around 40 Hz, but I doubt it's so serious that you can't tame it (at least most of the way) with passive devices. I would still recommend that before you begin, chart the frequency response and find out how bad the bump is. Then you can see how effective any changes you make are. The measurements don't replace listening of course (and sometimes a flat response sounds just like that--flat--not involving), but I would still do it to have an objective measure to help guide you. Once you get close to eliminating the bass problem, you will need to fine tune things with your ears, not with measurements.