Need Help Guys Bat Vk5 preamp tube rolling

Well..This has been quite an ordeal..Ive been piecing together my two channel system and its seems I still have abit more to go.Current status of my system...Sound Lab M-1's,Parasound JC-1's,BAT Vk5..vintage 1997 no remote,CEC 5100 (used as a player)no dac and Straightwire Cresendo ic's....Question...The Bat has all original (8) 6922 and (2)brand unknown 5881..Preamp is nice but not all I think it could be or should be...Any suggestions for tube replacements...I lean towards a balance of a slightly warm friendly sound with a lush mid range,extended bass without giving up to much resolution and detail...I do not like harshness in the high's...( does anybody?)Any help would be greatly appreciated since this could be an expensive undertaking and would like to get it right the first time..Thanks

Showing 1 response by extremephono

Capping the unused XLR inputs (don't do anything to the outputs!!!) significantly drops the noise floor for the Vk series (had the 5, now upgraded to 5SE).