Need help fixing a Linn Axis

Does anybody know of Linn Master Tech who can repair old Linn TTs? I'm the original owner of a stock Linn Axis table with Linn Basik LVX tonearm.
The problem is the belt and capstan are no longer aligned resulting in off-speed play and the belt coming off. I have taken it to my local HiFi shop and they have aligned it twice, but this problem is beyond their scope. I can see the capstan is not in proper position. I'd also like a complete inspection of the caps, motor, etc.
If there's an expert (who also has access to parts) I would greatly appreciate a referral. (US only).

Showing 1 response by brf

Go to Linn's website and look at their list of US dealers. Find a dealer close to your location. Avoid shipping if at possible.