Need help choosing spkrs I've never heard

This is the first time I've used Audio Forum but need assistance fm my fellow 'philes. I need to downsize and I've short listed the following: Paradigm Signature S8, Von Schweikert VR-4 SR and Aerial 9. While I have heard at some point or another, vaious models fm these vendors, I've never heard any of the specific candidates. No dealers of any within 200 mi, so really looking for you input. Other's I have owned - Revel Salon Ultimas, Infinity Betas, Genesis 200 Mk IIs and Legacy Focus 20/20. Hopefully that will give you an idea of my sonic tastes - accuracy, a more forward presence, holographic "you are there" depth and imaging, but this time around, due to being in a connected town house, deep base (so long as it's clean!) is not as important. Front end is Sony SCD-777ES, Kora Hermes, Sonic Frontiers L-3/Power 3s. I read in a thread that a lot of guys have their mind made up before they post "which should I choose, this one or that?" - but in this case it's a level table and I'm open to input. Have to make decision by Monday 3/17/06. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO ASSIST!

Showing 2 responses by audiokinesis

If you truly know yourself when it comes to your loudspeaker likes and dislikes, and if you know enough about loudspeaker design to recognize what you're looking for when you see it, then yes there's a good chance that you could make an excellent choice sight unseen.

Unfortunately if your speaker choice is going to be significantly swayed by the recommendations you get here on Audiogon, you probably aren't there yet. The majority vote doesn't settle anything, nor does the well-crafted prose of the most eloquent proponent of his or her favorite speaker.

All of which brings me around to saying the exact same thing my friend Brian said - embark on a pilgrimmage and seek out the answer. Four grand well spent will get you a lot farther than eight grand poorly spent. Drive or fly depending on what it takes, and have fun doing it!

You've owned some very nice systems. I'm quite familiar with the Betas and Genesis systems, and have heard the Revels and Legacys. My favorite among them is the Betas. Omigod that was a lovely, lovely loudspeaker! A beast to drive, but feed it well and it would sing for you.

My worthless recommendation? Of the speakers on your list, the Von Schweikerts will come the closest to emulating the Betas. Given your description of your connected townhouse situation and your stated sonic priorities pardon me if I put my dealer hat on and nominate the Gradient Revolution as another possibility (e-mail me if you'd like and I'll try to justify the nomination).

Best of luck in your quest,


Well my choice of wording was poor. I see opinions here as quite valuable for letting someone know what the possible contenders are. But the final decision should not rest on other people's opinions.
