Need Help Choosing Good Value Used Speaker $2,000

Hi all,

I am looking to improve my speakers. I cannot afford $5,000 + speakers, but I have noticed that a lot of the speakers which originally sell in that range, can be obtained here for half and less than half their original price.

I have been looking at Triangle Celius 202s, PSB Synchrony 1, and Vandersteen 3A Signatures. I also like the Paradigm brand, but I do not know what would be a good recent model to look for.

I currently have a budget system which consists of a Marantz PM7200 integrated amp (class A 95W) driving Paradigm Esprit speakers.

Can someone please recommend some other good used speaker models which I should consider purchasing? My maximum budget with shipping is $2,500, but I would like to keep it under that amount, if possible. Thank you for your help.

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