I have found the Zu Soul Superflys to be outrageously good for the money. They require good supporting equipment and attention to setup, but when dialed in they are magical.
Need Help Choosing Good Value Used Speaker $2,000
Hi all,
I am looking to improve my speakers. I cannot afford $5,000 + speakers, but I have noticed that a lot of the speakers which originally sell in that range, can be obtained here for half and less than half their original price.
I have been looking at Triangle Celius 202s, PSB Synchrony 1, and Vandersteen 3A Signatures. I also like the Paradigm brand, but I do not know what would be a good recent model to look for.
I currently have a budget system which consists of a Marantz PM7200 integrated amp (class A 95W) driving Paradigm Esprit speakers.
Can someone please recommend some other good used speaker models which I should consider purchasing? My maximum budget with shipping is $2,500, but I would like to keep it under that amount, if possible. Thank you for your help.
I am looking to improve my speakers. I cannot afford $5,000 + speakers, but I have noticed that a lot of the speakers which originally sell in that range, can be obtained here for half and less than half their original price.
I have been looking at Triangle Celius 202s, PSB Synchrony 1, and Vandersteen 3A Signatures. I also like the Paradigm brand, but I do not know what would be a good recent model to look for.
I currently have a budget system which consists of a Marantz PM7200 integrated amp (class A 95W) driving Paradigm Esprit speakers.
Can someone please recommend some other good used speaker models which I should consider purchasing? My maximum budget with shipping is $2,500, but I would like to keep it under that amount, if possible. Thank you for your help.