Need Headphone amp under $300?

I'm in need of headphone amp under $300. I'll be buying some cans in the future as well.(Sennheiser HD-580's / Beyerdynamic DT-880 or AKG K-501's ?) Prefer to stick w/SS. Creek is coming out a new model, the OBH-21 I believe. Sumiko makes a model as well. Anyone familiar w/these models or could you recommend something else in this price range. Thanks, Bill.

Showing 2 responses by kotta

Thanks for your replies. I've done some research on the two sites you've mentioned (BTW, great web-sites!), a I've came up w/these impressions. All three cans which I'm considering are all very highly regarded. However, for the $ the AKG-240S has really caught my attention. These can be bought around $100 new @ a few places. As far as headphone amps, the Meier-Audio "Cordia HA-1" caught my eye. The Perreaux looks interesting as well but doesn't have the "crossfield" effects as does the "Cordia." The MF-X Can and the Grado are well-regarded as well, but the Grado uses batteries and the MF uses tubes, which has its +/-'s. I'm using a Kora tube hybrid int. amp so I'd like to go SS w/the headphone amp. My local dealer whom I purchased the Kora from I'm sure could offer a discount on a Creek. I'll be doing some research/auditioning shortly. Thanks for your replies. I appreciate it! Bill
After much research, I decided to order a Meta-42 based home headphone amp from Jon's work and reputation seem outstanding from what I could tell. I was sort of leaning towards a Creek OHB-11, but w/the cost of an upgraded power supply(OBH-2)the total cost was more than the headphone amp I purchased (Meta-42 home w/Elpac reg. power supply.) I felt for this money this would be a better choice. Haven't decided on the cans I would eventually buy. I was thinking (always dangerous!) the amp purchase should come first, then after break-in, audition cans which sound the best with this headphone amp. I'll post some auditional comments in the future.