Need DAC/Streaming Advice

I currently own a Bryston BDP-2 digital player that I run through a Bryston DAC.  As far as playing high resolution files via a thumb drive or other external drive, the BDP-2 sounds great.  The streaming part leaves a lot to be desired.  I can stream Tidal but it is extremely slow and the IPad controller is pretty lousy.  I can listen to Sonos through the DAC into my main system but obviously there is no hi-Rez via Sonos. I would like to find a better solution and am willing to start over (I can move the Bryston components to my secondary system).  What I would like to find is a higher end streamer for my main system that would allow me to stream Tidal, Spotify and Deezer if possible while also playing digital files via thumb drive etc. I have no idea if that can be done in a one box solution or if I would need a separate streamer and DAC.  I would very much appreciate any and all thoughts.  Thanks in advance.
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Showing 1 response by kingbarbuda

This is a pretty robust and enjoyable discussion. I have a Bryston BDA-3 feeding a Bryston 17B3 feeding two Bryston 4B3 monoblocks feeding a pair of Magnepan 1.7i Speakers. Given the above what would be the best streamer of the following: NAD Masters Series M50.2 (A Blusound unit that can also rip CDs. I am hoping that the Blusound streaming would be better than a Node 2i) OR a Roon Nucleus OR the Bryston BDP-3 and why? Thanks!