Need DAC/Streaming Advice

I currently own a Bryston BDP-2 digital player that I run through a Bryston DAC.  As far as playing high resolution files via a thumb drive or other external drive, the BDP-2 sounds great.  The streaming part leaves a lot to be desired.  I can stream Tidal but it is extremely slow and the IPad controller is pretty lousy.  I can listen to Sonos through the DAC into my main system but obviously there is no hi-Rez via Sonos. I would like to find a better solution and am willing to start over (I can move the Bryston components to my secondary system).  What I would like to find is a higher end streamer for my main system that would allow me to stream Tidal, Spotify and Deezer if possible while also playing digital files via thumb drive etc. I have no idea if that can be done in a one box solution or if I would need a separate streamer and DAC.  I would very much appreciate any and all thoughts.  Thanks in advance.
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Showing 1 response by jnehma1

I don’t have personal experience with them but NAD (which is part of the same company that makes BlueSound) makes several products with BluOS built in. So you get the exact same functionality of the BlueSound products but in a much "better" (higher end) package (full separates with better power supplies, better DAC, etc). They make DAC/streamers, integrated amp/streamers, etc. Someone already mentioned the brand new NAD C658 ($1,500), which is one I have my eye on too, but there are other models depending on which specific features you are looking for.

Oh and +1 for Roon. Fantastic interface and the "killer app" functionality is the ability to seamlessly integrate all your music from Tidal, Qobuz, and whatever is stored on your local drives into one large library. You can shuffle music in your library regardless of if it's a local CD rip or on Tidal or Qobuz. I LOVE that feature because sometimes I want to create a playlist of a handful of albums where I have a few files on my hard drive and a few are on Tidal. BluOS doesn't do this - you either listen to Tidal or you listen to a local CD rip. Can't do both seamlessly but with Roon you can.