Need Cartridge Recommendation

I have acquired a Linn LP12 with lingo, cirkus, trampolin and an Ekos II tonearm. I am looking for a cartridge. Any recommendations would be appreciated. I have been considering a Van Den Hul Frog or perhaps a Koetsu Rosewood signature. Any compatibility issues that I should know about? What about the Archiv? Thanks

Showing 1 response by musikdok

I infer from your expressed 'candidates' that you're considering low-medium output coils. Benz has a good synergy with the LP-12, and even the LO.4 is a great cartridge for the money. Another line to consider is Allaerts, reportedly the preferred cartridge of Simon Yorke on his tables. Your choice of course ultimately depends on how much you want to spend. Good Luck!