Need better bass from Silverline Sonata

I'm using a pair of Silverline Sonatas (model 1 with single bass driver) in a mixed HT/2-channel system. In general I'm very happy with the sound -- particularly when I get the chance to pull the Sonatas out into the room -- but I feel the bass is lacking impact and real extension. Any ideas on improving bass response without using a sub (I have a Servo-15 which is great for movies but I haven't liked the results with music)? My budget is $2,000 in addition to any resale value I get selling replaced items.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

My "2-channel" setup is as follows:
Sony S7700 to Bel Canto DAC2
analog through a Bryston SP-1 to Bryston 9BST
then the Sonatas
Cables are D-60 to the DAC, Alpha Core TQ2 to/from SP1 and Acoustic Zen Satori biwire to the speakers. I'm using Virtual Dynamics Nite power cables on the DAC, SP1 and 9BST.

Options considered so far:
- replace the I/Cs with Acoustic Zen WOWs
- replace amp with new model Bryston 4BSST or pair of Evo 200.2s as monoblocks (SET-ish sound good with Sonatas?)
- replace speakers with Totem Mani-2s

Showing 1 response by bob885f

4bsst, 2g in canada
makes my dynaudio 1.3's live well

I did some experiments, using a sunfire signature sub.
With music, I wasn't able to tell if the sub was on or not!
Made me wish I'd bought the amp first, seriously.
The soundstage goes wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back.
It made my system

sony 7000 dvd, marantz av550, dynaudio contour 1.3, 4bsst, kimber