Need assistance in selecting an integrated/power amp.

I have the Marantz AVA and the MM8077 (For HT 7.1). My room is fully insulated and is 11 feet x 22 feet. I use the Oppo BDP-95 as the source, and speakers are JBL L Studio Series ( L890 as mains, LC2 as the Centre, L830 as the surround and the Bose 301’s as the Surround Back) Yes, I do understand that I need to upgrade my speakers and I was considering the Polk LSiM 707 and Polk RTiA9 as I like my music to be tight and Puchy (not boomy). Any suggestions?

I need your opinion and assistance in choosing an amp and TT. Should I go in for a power or integrated? My budget for the amp is 3000. I was considering the Marantz PM-14S1 and the NAD M22. For the TT my budget is 1500 and I was considering the Marantz TT-15S1 or the Rega Planar RP3.

I live in India and the prices here are at a 15 to 20% Premium at least and it’s very difficult to get high end audio. It’s also almost impossible to do trials at home before I can buy and therefore I was hoping if you could narrow down the options for me and then maybe I could then try and give them a listen at a dealers place.

Seriously, how can anyone recommend a pair of speakers for usd 3000-3500?  There a literally dozens to choose from and they all sound different.  What sounds best to one person may sound terrible to you.  This is the one component that you must hear for yourself.

Giving guidance on electronics is easy compared to speakers.  You asked a clear question in the title of your thread - should I get an integrated amp or a power amp to be added to my HT system.  You have gotten good guidance but have now sidetracked into asking about speakers. 

And while I agree that speakers should be chosen first and then an amp that will properly drive those speakers, you will find asking for recommendations for speakers are often meaningless.  We don't know what kind of sound you like or even what brands are available in India.  So suggest you go out and audition a few, tell us what you heard and then we can go back to the electronics discussion and let you know if the integrated or power amps you are considering are up to the task.
I recently heard a Belles Aria integraed ($1,900) with Vandersteen Treo speakers ($6,900). It was an awesome combination. Very impressive!
I know that is over your budget of about $6,000 combined; but I think the Aria is a very, very good value and should sound great with Vandersteen Model 2CE, or whatever model you can afford.

If you don't like the Vandersteen sound, and not everyone does, I would look in to ELAC and SVS. I've heard the SVS Prime Tower and enjoyed it very much. My favorite with my Rotel integrated are Canton Ergos.
Thank you all for your time and your suggestions. I'll audition them if i can find them.  I am now seriously considering the Parasound A21 and Golden Ear Triton 1 amongst others like the Castle Avon 5 etc. I will have to travel to Mumbai for a demo though :(