Need amp suggestions for Hedlund Horns....

A few months ago, I heard a Cary 300b amp hooked up to some small monitors and was blown away... so the itch to upgrade started.

I just bought used a pair of Hedlund horns... came with it (free) was a diy homemade tube amp that does not sound adequate (based on what I heard these horns can do).

I’m in the market for a used amp that would be the ideal match for these Hedlunds. From what I read, I have several options such as 300b, 2A3, etc. but what would you recommend?  I've never had a low-power SET amp before.  

My room is 25’x 30’ with vaulted ceilings (large enough), wood floors, fairly open. I listen to everything from classic jazz, horns, classical, vocals, and the occasional rock. I would love to have some volume to feel the energy and texture of the song.


Showing 1 response by hpower


I am a little late to the party here and  I am not familiar with your speakers but I will echo some of the previous praise for the Triode Labs/Finale amplifiers.
I am lucky enough to be local to Triode Labs/Finale.
Frank the head honcho there, was kind enough to lend me several of his amplifiers to try with my speakers (DIY Cornscalas, sensitivity about 102db).
I tried:
Both of these EL84 amps sounded very nice, I would not have been disappointed with either.
I also tried them with my single driver Frugalhorns with great success.

I ultimately went with Frank's 2A3iS and could not be happier!
That is not to take away from either of the EL84 amps, for the money I cannot see much that could beat them.
As with all of Frank's amps, they are DEAD quiet, have very high build quality, and can be tailored the the customer's speakers and needs.