Need amp/pre recommend for Maggie 3.5s

I just purchased an immaculate pair of 3.5s (from an Audiogon classified, exceeded my expectations!), and am now looking for advice on pres & amps to consider (and of course those to avoid).

There is a plethora of manufacturers, and I haven't a clue where on the sliding scale these guys all "rank"...I can see that some retail prices are astronomical (Levinson), but am looking for used prices of:

Pre - Under $1,000
Amp - Under $1,000

if that is at all reasonable. Otherwise I have to think about an integrated. Two channel only, majority of my listening is CD, but I have a large vinyl collection and will eventually upgrade my analog equipment as well (just not right now). Can go separate phono stage if I have to...but hope I don't.

Any advice? Feel free to speak your mind on your past mistakes, especially regarding working with this size Maggie.

Thanks in advance!

Showing 1 response by stenersr

I would start matching with an amp before worrying about a pre initially. I have an Ayre V-3 hooked to my Maggie 2.7QR's. I have listened to the Bryston and Mark Levinson amps connected to them. The Bryston is bright with good punch to it (better for rock music). The Mark Levinson was way too much money but the Ayre sounded to me better than the Mark Levinson with these speakers. The sound is very detailed with no harshness what so ever and the Ayre brought out more bass than expected and a little tighter. Hope you have a chance to audition this combination.