Need amp/pre recommend for Maggie 3.5s

I just purchased an immaculate pair of 3.5s (from an Audiogon classified, exceeded my expectations!), and am now looking for advice on pres & amps to consider (and of course those to avoid).

There is a plethora of manufacturers, and I haven't a clue where on the sliding scale these guys all "rank"...I can see that some retail prices are astronomical (Levinson), but am looking for used prices of:

Pre - Under $1,000
Amp - Under $1,000

if that is at all reasonable. Otherwise I have to think about an integrated. Two channel only, majority of my listening is CD, but I have a large vinyl collection and will eventually upgrade my analog equipment as well (just not right now). Can go separate phono stage if I have to...but hope I don't.

Any advice? Feel free to speak your mind on your past mistakes, especially regarding working with this size Maggie.

Thanks in advance!

Showing 1 response by banksfriend

BAT. I also own 3.5s and have found an excellent match with a vk3 preamp-about a grand here on the Gon- and a vk500 amp- out of your price range but you can pick up a vk200 (used)for about what you want to spend. I am very satisfied with this pairing, give it a try.