need amp for Prima Luna Prologue 3 preamp

Hi everyone, I have recently purchased a Prima Luna Prologue 3 preamp and would like to pair it up with a 250 wpc solid state amp to use with my Magnepan MMG's.

The MMG's will be upgraded to the 1.7 in due time. I recently sold a Musical Fidelity A5 Integrated Amp 250 wpc which mated well with the maggies but I wanted a little more warmth in the top end, so back to separates.

So far I've only considered the McCormack DNA-250 SS amp. My budget is no more then $2,500.00

Would appreciate any advice.
Tomcy6, thank you very much for your suggestions, it is very helpful. I am currently looking at a new McCormack DNA-250 which happens to be 100 kOhms input and is for sale, New, on Audiogon by Spearit Audio.

My only concern is that I was told by Spearit that it has a warmer sound to it and I'm afraid it might be a little to warm with the Prima Luna. On the other hand, it might be just what I need for the pans.

It very confusing when you have no way to hear what you want to buy. I will have to go with my gut felling on this one.
GRP, I don't think that the PrimaLuna and the McCormack would be overly warm for the Maggies. I have read that Maggies can be harsh with overly lean solid state gear.

The McCormack sounds like it might be ideal in your situation.

I have the same problem with having to buy gear without hearing it first but I don't know any way around it.
You are probably right about the McCormack DNA-250, It looks like I'm headed in that direction. I hope to purchase it buy the end of this week..

I would love to have a retailer near my home to listen/buy like the old day's.

Thank you very much for your input..
I've heard a lot of amps with my MMG's.
Van Alstine Synergy 550 is wonderful.