Need Amp Advice

Hey guys,

New member here but music lover for many years.
I am looking to upgrade my amps to get better sound quality and really need some help. I watch movies and listen to music daily. I would say in general, 70/30 (movies 70). I run a 5.1 setup and plan on upgrading to 7.1.4 in the future, but happy with 5.1 at the moment.
When I listen to music I only use the 802's (no sub and no multichannel music).

Currently, my setup is:

Main speakers: B&W 802D (first Diamond)
Center: B&W HTM2D
Surrounds: Klipsch
Sub: Klipsch

Marantz AV8802A

Emotiva XPA-1 monoblock x2 for the main speakers 
Emotiva XPA-3 Gen 3 for the center and surrounds

The sounds is good, it's actually more than good but I want it to be even better. I have been looking at many used amps (can not afford new ones) and wanted to ask for your opinion on the following that I have considered. I have not heard any of them with my speakers.

1. Classe CM-A600 monoblocks 
2. McIntosh MC501 monoblocks
3. I even looked at the Devialet 200 which was recommended by someone I know
4. Krell?

Do those amps make sense? Am I looking at a noticeable improvement over the Emotivas? I would love to hear from people who know and heard those amps, especially driving 802's.
I am of course open to any other suggestions as well.

Thank you in advance!


Showing 8 responses by killergurt

Hi all,

Thank you *so* much for your responses, gives me different directions to consider.
A few things:

1. I have never owned a tube amplifier before. The way I understand tubes (I am quite ignorant on the subject, just by reading) is that they tend to run super hot, slow, require maintenance and probably not a good fit for home theater, which is what I use my system most for.

2. When I listen to music I never use my sub. I am delighted by the bass the 802's produce.

3. the Emotivas are definitely a different league, maybe can be tagged as "entry level" amps which are affordable. I think that was was said here is true: they do sound slightly too bright and "harsh". I sometimes feel like I wish I could "open up" that sound a bit more, even in movies, if it makes sense.

4. The Blue Circle AG-8000 look like a super-complex setup, something that is probably an overkill for me. Do they run very hot? Will they pair nicely with the Marantz? (I would hate to replace it, paid 4K for it quite recently). Does it make sense to use such gear for movies?

5. My budget is limited, I can spend up to 8K, given that I will be selling my 2 Emotivas to offset the price a little.

Again, thank you all very much, your insights are very helpful. I want to make a purchase that will last a few years, so want to make the right decision.
Thank you auxinput,

So what I am doing with my speakers now is equivalent to running one pair of cable to the speakers and use the jumpers that came with them?

As for Center, I have a 3rd Emotiva amp (XPA-3 Gen 3) that power that Center and 2 surrounds.

Thank you all! 
Every time I read one of your replies I go out to research :-)
I have to admit that some of the replies went above my head (yup, Bob Reynolds, I was talking about you ;-)
On a separate note, do you guys have an opinion on the Devialet 200, one per speaker to be upgraded at a later stage (budget constraint) to the Devialet 400 (by adding a Slave unit to each).

Thank you.
Hey Dweller,

I found both 250.8 and 350.8 that are within my budget. 3 questions:

1. Is there an advantage to using 2 monoblocks as opposed to a stereo amp?

2. Will those 2 amps be enough in terms of power for the 802's?

3. Currently I bi-amp the speakers using the Emotivas. In the case of the Pass Labs amps I will "only" be able to bi-wire. Am I losing something significant by doing so?

thanks for your time!
Hi Soix,

Thank you for the insight. This is super interesting, pardon my ignorance, but I had no idea that you could have two pre-amps in the same system.
The idea of having a dedicated setup for critical listening really appeals to me.
what I don't get is how this is possible. How can I have two connected pre-amps to the same speakers? The main speakers need to be used for both movies and music, being connected to different pre-amps. Maybe I am getting this wrong but I am very curious about it.
OK, off to check out the Plinius amp you recommended.

Thank you very much.
Thank you very much Soix, I'll try and build towards that. First I want to get the right amp/s and then add a stereo pre.
Thank you all very much for all your advice.
As it stands right now, I think that my preferred path would be to get 2 Classe CA-M600 (Or CT) and later on add a CP-800 when I can afford it. Problem is I can not find any for sale.

The second option that I am considering is to change direction and buy Devialet 400 (dual-mono). I have been reading rave reviews about those but this product seems so disruptive, that it makes me feel a bit uncertain when it comes to properly setting it up, getting support for it etc. It does, however, provide me with a Pre for stereo in addition to my Marantz, so I don't have to invest in another piece of hardware after getting it.

Would love to hear your thoughts, I am about to make a purchase and want to know everything I can beforehand.

Thank you all and have a great weekend!
Hey Firstinetallguy,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I have not been able to compare my Emotiva to any other amp but I share your observations on the quality of its sound. I can not wait to connect my speakers to a higher quality amp and rediscover my music collection.

I have chosen to go with Devialet 400, just bought one and will get it next week after the holiday. I am expecting miracles, but maybe it's better to lower my expectations to avoid disappointment :-)

I'll keep everyone posted once I get it.

Thank you!