Need advice with a phono stage for my BAT VK-50...

I need a phone stage for my BAT pre-amp, the VK-50. I've never had a phono stage for this pre-amp and I have a few questions. (Please excuse my total lack of sophistication with this subject.)

My turntable is a VPI HW-19, MK 3. I don't want to spend alot on this, up to $1000 maximum and preowned is fine. I don't collect vinyl anymore but I do have about 100 records (Dad, what's a record?) that I'd like to play. My questions:

1) What's a decent p/s to purchase that would pair well with these components?
2) Does this have to be installed into the pre-amp, or is it a separate component that merely requires interconnects?
3) What other questions should I be asking?

Thanks for your help.

Showing 1 response by sidssp

How would you compare the P10se to the Rhea? Which one do you like best?