Need advice with a phono stage for my BAT VK-50...

I need a phone stage for my BAT pre-amp, the VK-50. I've never had a phono stage for this pre-amp and I have a few questions. (Please excuse my total lack of sophistication with this subject.)

My turntable is a VPI HW-19, MK 3. I don't want to spend alot on this, up to $1000 maximum and preowned is fine. I don't collect vinyl anymore but I do have about 100 records (Dad, what's a record?) that I'd like to play. My questions:

1) What's a decent p/s to purchase that would pair well with these components?
2) Does this have to be installed into the pre-amp, or is it a separate component that merely requires interconnects?
3) What other questions should I be asking?

Thanks for your help.

Showing 2 responses by rushton

Dennisb, if you are committed to looking for a lower cost option just to play your existing LPs (about 100?) and if you're not planning to buy more vinyl (and even if you are), consider some of these lower cost options that will allow you to make a low cost re-entry into vinyl:

...Tom Evans Microgroove $950 new
...Grado PH1 $500 new
...Clearaudio Basic $600 new
...Creek OBH-8 SE $290

All of these are readily available from the usual mail order suppliers, many of whom will allow you a 30-day return privilege if you don't like how the unit sounds in your system. Also, any of these are available on the used market for 40% less, if you look around.

There are better units available, but the price goes up. I agree with the recommendation of the EAR 834 or BAT VKp5 in the under $2000 category, and I'd add the Herron VTPH-1 (used) to that list.

Also, keep to moving magnet or high output moving coil cartridges (1.5mv output or above) to keep your phonostage needs simpler. Easily done with a wide range of choices for $250-500. One of the Grado cartridges would work well if your tastes are more towards acoustic music. Or, for more snap and sizzle (no slight intended), a Sumiko or Dynavector.
> Should the phono stage be tube or SS? <
This is a matter of preference and cost; no absolutes. My preference is for tube, but a good quality low noise tube unit puts you at the upper end (or over) of your target price limit. The advantage of the lower cost solid state units is that they will allow you to enjoy the music you have on LP without a major investment, you can take some of your budget and put it towards a better cartridge (a worthwhile thing to do), and you can always sell it and upgrade later if you find you're listening to more vinly. On the flip side, a higher quality tube phonostage, like a used EAR, BAT, CJ, or Herron, will give you a better sense of the potential for vinyl playback.

> I would tend to play acoustic... I would prefer the warmer, more natural sound for this type of music. <
Any of the tube units mentioned will serve you well; but they are different in their sonic signatures. Of the solid state units, consider Grado and Tom Evans.

For cartridges, a Grado Sonata at $500 will do justice to your music preference and give you very natural midrange reproduction.