Need advice please.....

I need a new a/v rack that is around 40-50"w X 19-22h X 19-20d.and with 3 shelves. I'm using a Michael Green rack now and need more room since I've bought a new pre-amp. I want to be able to have room for tweaks under components. My components consist of :Sony 27" tv, Sony 7700 dvd,CAL Sigma dac, Rogue 66 pre, and Odyssey Stratos amp. My Magnepan 1.6's are about 6.5' apart with rack centered between speakers. Looking for the rack to be solid, possibly fillable w/ sand or shot,and overall a great value. Thanks, Brad

Showing 2 responses by bradz

Thanks for the responses. I was brain storming and thought the same thing Sean! It would be the cheapest route and I wouldn't have to sell rack! Thanks, Brad
Yesterday I went to the hardware and found 3/4 rods in 3 ft. lengths for $6.50 a piece. I'd have to take the rods to a meteal shop to get cut and have threaded holes(2) made for top set screws. How much would this cost? Decided to call Michael Green and found out that they wanted around $120. for 4 longer thank you! If anyone knows how much it would cost for the rods I'd appreciate it.