I have done what you are considering with pretty good success. I would never do it again due to the large amount of work involved and the significant time it takes. If you go ahead, the post by Markphd is a great tutorial and excellent advice. Fortunately, my Alon V's had relatively thick veneer. I was able to get most of the black out of the grain in the oak veneer by using a medium/soft nylon bristle brush in conjunction with the stripper. Do not brush too hard. I totally agree with the use of a dark stain for your situation due to the trace of black that will be left in the wood grain. Stains with some amount of red in them seem to be popular, such as a mahogany blend. I also agree with removing the drivers and crossovers. Before choosing a finish, you should look at the differences and relative benefits of using a spray laquer finish instead of urethane. However, the finish you choose is really a personal preference issue. With any finish, work in an area with minimal airborne dust or dirt. Good luck.
need advice on refinishing speakers. Do's & Don'ts
I have a pair of tower speakers I would like very, very much to refinish. the only thing I don't care for about them is they are 'black'. I'd like very much to have them another color. Even natural wood do... pardon the pun.
they have solid wood veneers, ash or oak, I'm not sure. they are stained black, with a clear coat over that. About ten years old.
Is this a doable project? ...or should I have a pro do it?
I'm thinking chems or sanding, ought to get rid of the clear coating, but the stain is another story entirely. If anyone has done this sortr of thing with a good deal of success, I'd sure appreciate finding out the steps needed to do it.
Many thanks.