Need advice on interconnects: make a difference?

I am new to high end audio, although I think I have a good ear overall. My equipment is: Audio Physic Yara speakers, Plinius 8200 MkII, Arcam FMJ CD23, Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cable, Vampire Wire Silver series interconnects. Given that this is my first experience with high end audio, I am very happy with the sound. I listen to pretty much all kinds of music except heavy metal or thumping rock.

Going by all the glowing reviews of various interconnects in the market, I came to the conclusion that I could get better sound by upgrading my interconnects. I am currently auditioning the following: Siltech SQ 28 (silver) and Analysis Plus Silver Oval. I have only spent a few hours listening to them but I have found VIRTUALLY NO DIFFERENCE between either of them. May be slightly better clarity with the Siltech and AP but one has to listen very hard to notice.

Given all the rave reviews, this just doesn't add up. Do you guys really find a difference? Have my ears just reached their resolution capacity? Or perhaps have I just hit a home run with the cheap ($80 for 0.5m) Vampire Wire cables?

Any advice/thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by chuck

Only you can answer those questions!!! I recently did a cable shootout for my system using Synergistic Research Vacuum tube reference, Synergistic Solid state reference, Nordost Valhalla and Siltech LS 188. I can say without a doubt each cable could be distinquished from the other and I consider myself as skeptical about all the cable hoopla as anyone!