Need advice on good, clean, stable power

This is the chronology of my "bug," i.e. the "need" (or want) to upgrade.

* Yamaha RX-1400 clipped 4 full size and 1 center speakers during an intensive shooting scene of Tears From the Sun. I heard loud popping sounds from some speakers when volume was blasted off.

* I was advised by many A'gon members to get a multi-channel amp. I got the Marantz MM9000 (150wpcX5), which is plugged into a power cleaner with surge protector. Currently, the surge protector is Monster Powerbar 2100, but that will be changed to Monster HTS 3500 tomorrow in hope to get more cleaner power.

* Many A'gon members recommend to bypass the power conditioner and plug the multi-channel amp directly into the wall outlet, preferably a dedicated one.

My question now becomes if I do not want to install a dedicated line right now, would a more feasible alternative option is to use a regulator like the Monster AVS 2000? Monster Cable claims that the AVS 2000 regulator provides continuous 120V power, which in my opinion serves a good purpose for the multi-channel amp.

Sorry for I am not an electrical engineer, but that AVS 2000 sounds like a working solution for me. What do you all think about this route, or do you have some other suggestions in mind. Thanks for all the help with valuable advice.

Showing 1 response by yioryos

Hi Lej1447.
Dedicated lines???If you own your place,and want but don't know how to run two lines for your system.Here is the basics:
First check your service panel for the brand(sticker)and see if you have available spaces for extra breakers.In most cases you should have room for additional breakers.Go to Home Depot and tell the guys there the brand of your electrical panel.They should then give you the proper breakers that fit your panel.Buy two 20A breakers and enough 12Ga electrical wire that will run from your panel to your system.Account for the extra turns you might have to go with the wire.Always buy more than you need.Turn off the main switch of you panel to cut the electrical power in the home.When you take the cover off your panel you will then see how the rest of the breakers are connected.Just plug the breakers in and connect the the wires(you just bought)white-black,ground following the colors like the rest of existing breakers.One thing though you should feed the wires from the panel to the location of your system(follow the baseboards or best to do in wall installation)first and then proceed with the panel connections.If you do surface installation another words 'follow the baseboards" you can buy(a must) special tubing from Home Depot that's designed to house the wires out of harms way.The best ones are metal and they open ,come with elbows so that you can go around corners.At the end of the wires connect the 20A receptacles.It is easy and I am sure you can manage.
I am not an electrician by trade,but I've done the above in my home several times.I am a DIY,kind of a person.
Best luck.