Need advice on good, clean, stable power

This is the chronology of my "bug," i.e. the "need" (or want) to upgrade.

* Yamaha RX-1400 clipped 4 full size and 1 center speakers during an intensive shooting scene of Tears From the Sun. I heard loud popping sounds from some speakers when volume was blasted off.

* I was advised by many A'gon members to get a multi-channel amp. I got the Marantz MM9000 (150wpcX5), which is plugged into a power cleaner with surge protector. Currently, the surge protector is Monster Powerbar 2100, but that will be changed to Monster HTS 3500 tomorrow in hope to get more cleaner power.

* Many A'gon members recommend to bypass the power conditioner and plug the multi-channel amp directly into the wall outlet, preferably a dedicated one.

My question now becomes if I do not want to install a dedicated line right now, would a more feasible alternative option is to use a regulator like the Monster AVS 2000? Monster Cable claims that the AVS 2000 regulator provides continuous 120V power, which in my opinion serves a good purpose for the multi-channel amp.

Sorry for I am not an electrical engineer, but that AVS 2000 sounds like a working solution for me. What do you all think about this route, or do you have some other suggestions in mind. Thanks for all the help with valuable advice.

Showing 1 response by saki70

how do you people feel about the different receptacles
(commercial,hospital) on the dedicated line.
I am in the process of setting this up and wonder if
the expensive hosp. grade is really worth it on a dedicated line. I also would like to know if isolated is worth it too.
Sorry LEJ1447 if this post is interrupting your thread.