Need a preamp?

Hi all, 

I have an older Cary tube preamp and a Bob Latino ST70 with a built in attenuator driving a pair of Proac D30R. The combo seems to be a tad too warm so I tried using the amp without the preamp and it seems to sound better with a wider soundstage and more extended highs. I have a phono amp also so I can also listen to LPs and cds. Is there a reason I need a preamp other than the convenience of switching between the two?  Would a ss preamp or passive preamp add to the sound?  I presume any preamp would only degrade the quality and can't make it better than it is. 


Showing 3 responses by kalali

All great suggestions except remember the volume control in the Schiit Sys is marginal quality at best. Its fine as 2->1 switch box. 
jaferd, I’d say for $49 and the option to return, the Sys is a no brainer. My comment regarding the quality of the volume control was meant after extensive use. Otherwise it’s well built and functions as it should.
The Nobsound doesn’t mention if the two balanced and RCA inputs and/or outputs can be used at the same time. I suspect not. It appears to be just a volume controller for a single source.