Need a modern Class A monoblock, preferably half or compact chassis

Anyone here know anyone that might know if something like this may be available before year end. I am currently ampless, beginning to suffer withdrawls…wishing for Pass Labs to release an XA30.8 like powered amp, split into 2/3 scale monoblocks with xs or xa or ?? designator with Balanced Input.

XA60.8 is the logical choice if nothing shows up this year, but until I pull the trigger, alien monoblocks could distract me, for instance Valvet A4.5, from getting what I truly desire.  

The current XA30.8 is the dream split into a modern Pass Labs monoblock.

FW is too focused and limiting to consider.

Anyone know of this possibility on the horizion for an XA30.88


Showing 1 response by mwilson850

This is my first post here but I have read many discussions and bought/sold here and on USAM for years.  I've read several of these monoblock amplifier threads and have yet to see the Kinki Studio EX-B7's mentioned.  I know they are not Class A, as the OP asked for, but they are a roughly half-width form factor and are Srajen at 6moons reference amps so I figure they must be really good.  I have never heard the B7 monos, but own the stereo Kinki Studio EX-M7 and find it to be a very musical and neutral sounding amp without any obvious flaws.  I am considering an upgrade to the B7 monos hoping to get a more "relaxed" sound.  If anyone has any experience with the B7's, I would love to hear your thoughts/impressions.  FYI, based only on a review I read, the Valvet A4's mentioned above seem like a great fit for my tastes/system, but my budget won't stretch that far!

FYI, the rest of my system consists of the following (most of which was purchased used):  W4S STP-SE Preamp, Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE DAC, Auralic Aries G1 Streamer, Acora SRC-1 speakers, dual Vandersteen subs, and mostly TWL cables.

Hopefully I'm not breaking any forum rules with this post!  If so, please let me know.