Need a DAC Recommendation.

Im retired and can only spend $1200 to $1500 on a DAC. What would you recommend? I assume I will be in the Used market.  Thanks!

Showing 8 responses by jjss49

just a few comments based on earlier posts below

-- the border patrol dac uses its tube, a rectifier, in its power supply - it is not directly in the signal path, either as a driver of, or as a buffer for its analog outputs

-- you do get what you pay for, but some models do bring more value than others, esp. those with direct sales channels (denafrips vs ps audio, for instance) - or if you value features and lots of ancillary functions, the rme adi2 is terrific for its price, even if it is more on ’clean and lean’ side of the sonic palette with chord, and the better bitstream chi-fi dacs

-- as for denafrips, i had trouble with the entry level ares ii, it had an annoying sibilance (for me, a major no-no) that i could not cure with cables, input choices, nos/os settings etc etc... but stepping up to their next level pontus model did the trick... a very very good sounding dac (though 2x the ares price)

-- don’t overlook the wonderful ayre codex for under a grand used, if you are a headphone listener as well as standard in-room two channel... excellent sound, very balanced presentation
IMHO, buying a used DAC is like buying a used cell phone.

i read these words but i have no idea what this means, what is the point... i have bought and sold 20-25 used dacs over the past year plus, ranging from $400 to $4000, and have been able to learn for myself how different dacs perform, and have done so fairly cost effectively

I wonder if there are any significant audible benefits to spending more than $500 on a new DAC in 2021…
there is... but as the saying goes, just cuz you can’t tell the difference on your system... 😁😁

last two posts illustrate well the range of sonic presentations among good 1000-1500 dollar dacs

ying of chord qutest to the yang of the mhdt tube units

system synergy is the lifeblood of musical happiness in hifi systems
“The latest build of RME adi-2 DAC is now using an ESS Sabre chip.”

where you see that?

5 paragraphs down...

"The updated ADI-2 DAC uses ESS’s ES9028Q2M in a special circuit variant developed by RME engineers that allows the chip to perform at its best. With noise levels of 123 dBA, distortion less than -120 dB, or THD+N of -116 dB, the device delivers outstanding measured values, and allows the IEM output to reach a sensational low noise level of -121 dBu. In addition, there is +2.5 dB of digital headroom, so that high intersample peaks do not produce any audible distortion. The reserve in volume setting results in a still undistorted analog output signal even at a volume setting of +2.5 dB."

searching the internet isn’t so hard... 💻💻💻
op - you are now getting a list of a few dozen dacs to choose from, does that help? 😂

@soix's reply to you early on is the most important one... 

if you need help narrowing down the field, i suggest you invest some time writing here about the rest of your system, the music you like, your room setup, type of sound you value (powerful bass, specific, big imaging, etc etc etc)

then knowledgeable folks here can try to steer you in the right direction
Would a Denafrips Pontus ll be an upgrade coming from a Chord Qutest ?

well its like moving from a focal to a harbeth... upgrading is in the eye of the beholder...
as @mesch said, the naive come here and seek recommendations for what’s ’better’, without articulating what that means in their application

the pontus is the warmest toned of all the dena dacs, lots of mid and midbass ’bloom’, somewhat laid back treble, so if you have a lean system, for instance, solid state amps driving b&w’s or monitor audio’s then it could well bring you modicum of body and full tone to the music

otoh, if you have a warmer system lacking impact and speed, say, a typical tube amp driving harbeths or vandy's --  then a chord unit will bring a greater sense of ’life’, rhythm and speed to go along with the lovely midrange tonality

’better’ in high end hifi is meaningful in an ’applied’ sense, more than ’intrinsically’, when you are dealing with quality items
Toppings makes great products.

There is a review by Amir that he reviewed the schiit DAC and found some flaws.

He worked with the company and they made changes to improve their product.

Facts are facts.

Measurements are Measurements

Enough said

blah blah blah

it’s about the music, the magic of the performance, the emotional connection ... measurements may instruct at some rudimentary level but do not even capture a half of it