Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?

After my Audio Science Review review forum, it became apparent that nearly the only way one can determine the measurements of an audio product is wait for a review on line or in a publication.  Most equipment is never reviewed or is given a subjective analysis rather than a measurement oriented review.  One would think that manufacturers used tests and measurements to design and construct their products. 

Manufacturers routinely give the performance characteristics of their products as Specifications.  Those are not test measurements.

I searched the Revel speaker site for measurements of any of their speakers and could not find any.  Revels are universally lauded for their exceptional reviewed measurements.  Lack of published manufacturer measurements is true for nearly every speaker manufacturer I've searched for on line, perhaps several hundred.   Same is true for amps, pre-amps, DACs, transports, turntables, well you get the picture.  Do they have something to hide?   I doubt the good quality products have anything to hide but poor quality products do.  

ASR prides itself in providing "true" measurements that will aid in purchase decisions.   Why don't the manufacturers provide these measurements so that reviewers can test if they are truthful or not?

Then there are the cables and tweaks for which I suspect that there are inadequate tests available to measure sonically perceived differences but which objectivists believe don't exist or are "snake oil."  

Well, please chime in if you have some illuminating thoughts on the subject.   

I would have loved to see manufacturers measurements on my equipment and especially those that I rejected.  


Showing 1 response by td_dayton

here is a good article from another measurement-focused audio internet guy. whatever you think of his conclusions or his overall viewpoint, it strikes me as a reasonable and thoughtful position. instead of fighting it out in the forums and taking cheap shots at everyone who dares to disagree, he lays out his case clearly and ends with a call for mutual civility and respect.

from my point of view, we can just accept that reasonable people disagree with one another in every niche hobby on earth, and still try to learn something in the process. it’s all about music anyway. who cares. 

also updating to point out that this guy, while he's been quite critical of some of the reviewers i enjoy reading like lavorgna, doesn't appear to have a history of attacking other measurement-focused reviewers and booting them from his comments section. food for thought