Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?

After my Audio Science Review review forum, it became apparent that nearly the only way one can determine the measurements of an audio product is wait for a review on line or in a publication.  Most equipment is never reviewed or is given a subjective analysis rather than a measurement oriented review.  One would think that manufacturers used tests and measurements to design and construct their products. 

Manufacturers routinely give the performance characteristics of their products as Specifications.  Those are not test measurements.

I searched the Revel speaker site for measurements of any of their speakers and could not find any.  Revels are universally lauded for their exceptional reviewed measurements.  Lack of published manufacturer measurements is true for nearly every speaker manufacturer I've searched for on line, perhaps several hundred.   Same is true for amps, pre-amps, DACs, transports, turntables, well you get the picture.  Do they have something to hide?   I doubt the good quality products have anything to hide but poor quality products do.  

ASR prides itself in providing "true" measurements that will aid in purchase decisions.   Why don't the manufacturers provide these measurements so that reviewers can test if they are truthful or not?

Then there are the cables and tweaks for which I suspect that there are inadequate tests available to measure sonically perceived differences but which objectivists believe don't exist or are "snake oil."  

Well, please chime in if you have some illuminating thoughts on the subject.   

I would have loved to see manufacturers measurements on my equipment and especially those that I rejected.  


Showing 12 responses by axo1989


also updating to point out that this guy, while he's been quite critical of some of the reviewers i enjoy reading like lavorgna, doesn't appear to have a history of attacking other measurement-focused reviewers and booting them from his comments section. food for thought

Yes, Archimago appears to be a well-adjusted human. Also a decently articulate writer. I should check his blog more often.

I’m pleased to see Mr Majidimehr is back. Less so that he is gasping for air. Yoga practice is the key to good breathing I think. Exhale ego, inhale air.

Another possibility: as we know, in audio terminology air is the frequency band at the top of the treble range starting around 12-14 kHz. Older gentlemen can’t hear it so well.



Thanks coach. Do you hold classes on this everyday or every other?

My dog is a big believer in yoga by the way

I imagine canine Majidimehr is a more capable student than human Majidimehr. And better at dog pose. But I notice you practice the twist poses frequently. Which is your favourite?

Before I showed up on page one, you all started to talk about cables.

Don’t you mean "you people"?



I read him your post and this was his reaction

What a sweetie! You didn't make him wear that hat did you? No wonder he's poking his tongue at you.


Not everything living under a bridge are considered people.

Now now, I said human Majidimehr. I like to keep it civil.

@prof (quoting Majidimehr)

"As to my system, you can see a brief overview and pictures in this reviewthread:

It’s clear that ASR’s founder has some pretty reasonable gear, and posting it as a virtual system here—while that would be cool—isn’t obligatory to demonstrate that.

There are some oddities, discussed at ASR in fact: he’s tardy maintaining/repairing those classic ML amps; he hasn’t subjected them to his very expensive analyser; nor subjected those speakers to his very expensive measurement robot; apart from some shag-pile he eschews room treatment (iirc in all cases, obviously).

Now there are surely reasons: that gear is heavy; they’ve been measured by others; the amps won’t deliver the "graph hygiene" of a Topping; he gets good enough sound with room EQ at LP; and so on. And ultimately those choices and priorities are his, really. Notwithstanding that I would make different choices.



whatever floats your boat is cool, I agree. But you shouldn't cast spitballs at other peoples boats when yours has holes in it, right? 

Well, one of the "different choices" I'd make is to be less of a [redacted] on the interwebs. Whether I succeed is another matter. 🙂


This thread is like a group therapy session for 4th graders.

And you were hoping to give up that teaching job and travel.


Thanks @axo1989 I’ll do that.

I was aiming for sympathetic humour, not trying to insult you, sorry if it misfired.

@amir_asr ... found an English trailer I can link, and I reckon I was wrong, the dialog really is on point: "how do you think the hike's going so far?" ...



If this is how you research your facts about audio, no wonder you are so lost in the woods there.

Gus Van Sant has already made a cautionary film about what happens when you follow Gerry into the wilderness. Sadly I can only link to the trailer in German, but you don't really need language to convey the scenario:



@kota1  Right! Where are his in room test measurements?  Did he post them on his site?  Or does he think that just by choosing the best measuring equipment (and any old major brand professional cable) that his room sound measures perfectly (or anywhere near perfect throughout or just in the sweet spot seat)? 

If you are interested, you can see measurements in his listening room (with and without room EQ via the Lyngdorf) in the ASR discussion linked by @prof upthread (iirc). This one (sorry to inflict the ASR sheep logo on everyone, not sure how to link without embedding) ...