Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?

After my Audio Science Review review forum, it became apparent that nearly the only way one can determine the measurements of an audio product is wait for a review on line or in a publication.  Most equipment is never reviewed or is given a subjective analysis rather than a measurement oriented review.  One would think that manufacturers used tests and measurements to design and construct their products. 

Manufacturers routinely give the performance characteristics of their products as Specifications.  Those are not test measurements.

I searched the Revel speaker site for measurements of any of their speakers and could not find any.  Revels are universally lauded for their exceptional reviewed measurements.  Lack of published manufacturer measurements is true for nearly every speaker manufacturer I've searched for on line, perhaps several hundred.   Same is true for amps, pre-amps, DACs, transports, turntables, well you get the picture.  Do they have something to hide?   I doubt the good quality products have anything to hide but poor quality products do.  

ASR prides itself in providing "true" measurements that will aid in purchase decisions.   Why don't the manufacturers provide these measurements so that reviewers can test if they are truthful or not?

Then there are the cables and tweaks for which I suspect that there are inadequate tests available to measure sonically perceived differences but which objectivists believe don't exist or are "snake oil."  

Well, please chime in if you have some illuminating thoughts on the subject.   

I would have loved to see manufacturers measurements on my equipment and especially those that I rejected.  


Showing 43 responses by kota1

@amir_asr , thank you for posting the video and your attention to detail. I watched the testing you discussed at the 24 minute mark. I have done my own version of this test more for amusement than science. First I open up Tidal and create a new playlist. Next I upload two versions of the same album, one in HIFI and one in Masters. Then I hit shuffle and see how many times I can pick what type of track is playing. To do a blind listening test with speaker cables or interconnects requires a more elaborate setup (something like the Van Alstine ABX Comparator) . I don’t know how you would do a blind listening test of a power cable with that device.
So, I don’t see how the video you posted would help a member test cables or other components.

Please post another video or just some pics of your system and listening room if you have time. If you are the "doctor" let’s see if you are taking your own medicine OK? Don’t forget to post the in room frequency response. 

Here is a video of the type of blind test you posted about, not necessarily scientific but could be interesting:


@amir_asr , OK, thanks for sharing. The last time I did the test you just posted was when I auditioned a Mapleshade Digital Interconnect I had for a 30 day trial (about $250). After about 100 hrs of break in I "blind tested" it with my current cable and it was MUCH better so I kept it. The guys at Mapleshade actually insist on customers doing their own "shootouts" and you can always return within 30 days. You can tell they are VERY confident and stand behind their products.

Looking forward to checking out your virtual system with the FR measurements.

@amir_asr , well you finally engaged. All you posted was your opinion of a system you never heard (mine) with a cable you never used (the Mapleshade Digital IC) and clearly have no idea or evidence to back up anything. Well, let’s go with that.

OK, so let me give you a track to run on. This is an example of a cable review by someone who tried the Mapleshade cables BEFORE coming to a conclusion. I would say my experience was more similar to 3 people that came to the same conclusions in this article:

@amir_asr ,

You made a BIG mistake, when you didn’t align your system within your room. DSP is limited in what it can do. I think you can rectify your mistake if you work on your room (which is why you won’t post pics and FR if I am not mistaken). You may not agree with @fleschler on everything but the guy gets props for knowing how to build a room. Maybe you can start a build thread for a new listening room/studio?

Those expensive Revel speakers you own are going to waste I am afraid. You are worried about my wasting $250 and hear you are shredding dollar bills every time you listen without your room tuned, a mistake for an average listener but a disaster for a reviewer.

My info is based on the disdain you posted for room treatments in your review of the Paradigm PW Link. If you updated your room we would all like to see pics. Thanks

@juanmanuelfangioii , it is what it is. When I look at some of the rooms of our members in the virtual systems area it provides context and many of them are simply awe inspiring like these. If you are putting yourself out there as an expert I think it takes more than just a microphone and a computer. If @amir_asr posts something (anything) let's see if he can walk, or if all he does is talk (spitball):



@amir_asr I’m demanding graphs AND posting graphs, so where are yours? Let me know if you need help, NP. As for what your system sounds like that is up to you to know, I want to see what it looks like, please post, thanks.

Has the Kota stumped (embarrassed) you? I am detecting air from your direction, HOT air, lots and lots of hot air :).

If you don’t reply I gotta give the W to Audiogon Forum, we whipped the ASR champ in measurements!! Not bad. There is still another round, you just gotta answer the bell, ready, set, post the pics of your system, the components, and the FR measurements of your room...

Alternatively you can throw in the towel and it is Audiogon Forum 1, ASR 0 and we take the measurement/system title.

You still are a champ though... of air, HOT air, lots and lots of just hot air.

@amir_asr , if you don’t post pics, your components, and FR of your room Audiogon Forum is still the system/measurement champ. I told you, I already posted the specs of my cables earlier in this thread. This shouldn’t be difficult to at least answer the bell. Is ASR going to throw in the towel? If so no one on this forum will be surprised but what will the ASR members reading this think? If the reason you can't post anything is you aren't happy with your results feel free to start a new thread here, we have amazing members.

Nice try on the bait and switch....and I still detect lots of air coming from your direction, HOT air.


@amir_asr , you are spit balling again, nice try on another bait and switch. You didn’t post your system, pics and in room FR graph, just more air, HOT air. If you have questions about my system see the profile.

Audiogon Forum 1 and ASR 0 (failed to answer the bell)

Is anyone surprised that @amir_asr is unwilling/unable to post his own system? It is curious.

@amir_asr , the title of this thread is not cables anything. The title is about manufacturers and measurements right? I posted the specs of the cables I list in my virtual system because it got right to the point of the OP, that’s it. You shared how to do a blind test, I shared that I did one as you mentioned. It was a response to your suggestion about switching cables as a friend helps, that’s it. Now, if you go back you stated I made a mistake (in bold, like you were shouting)

That is where this went off the rails, you never heard my system, never tried these cables, etc.

Now, as this thread IS about measurements after all, let’s go there OK? I am willing to give you a rematch, NP. So far you have failed to answer the bell and posted nothing about your own system. I offered to help, encouraged you to start a thread if your aren’t happy with something.

As for @mikelavigne he was nice enough to contribute to a thread I started about end game systems. That thread wasn’t about measurements OK?

So, your hot air is still blowing, get on with it already, post something about your system.

Audiogon Forum 1- ASR 0

If you want a rematch in a new thread start it, NP.

This is the thread I started I met @mikelavigne in, feel free to join the party:


@amir_asr , this is what you said to do:

I explained how you do that in the video. Setup your system such that you don’t know which cable is used (cover/hide it). Then have a loved one randomly switch one cable for the other. You keep score of which is which as does the person doing the switching for you. Do this 10 times and see if you can correctly identify one cable at least 8 times.

This is my reply:

@amir_asr , OK, thanks for sharing. The last time I did the test you just posted was when I auditioned a Mapleshade Digital Interconnect I had for a 30 day trial (about $250). After about 100 hrs of break in I "blind tested" it with my current cable and it was MUCH better so I kept it.

I did your test, that’s it. This was a reply to you, not the OP.

This thread isn’t about blind testing yet here you are demanding it and then were rude in your reply, how can you get a blind test wrong, you hear what you hear.

This is another bait and switch tactic from someone who is unable to walk the measurement and system walk when it comes to himself. As far as anyone in this thread can see all you have is just more hot air, on and on. Please prove me wrong and post something ok?

Still waiting......🙄

Audiogon Forum 1- ASR 0

@amir_asr , I followed your instructions about having a friend switch cables to the letter, I have no idea what you are talking about when you say single trial, you said guess which cable is better 8 out of 10 times, I did that, duh.

BTW, it is not "we" talking about blind tests. When it came to the topic of cables I posted specs of the cables listed in my profile which is exactly the topic of this thread, a manufacturer listing measurements. I never said I "blind tested" them.

As for proper instrumentation you are joking right? You still haven’t posted anything about your system.

Still waiting....🙄

Audiogon Forum 1- ASR 00000000

@mitch2 , the system in your profile looks great, "he shoots, he scores" would apply here, no foul.

Thanks for posting it.

@amir_asr , I did the "blind test" as you posted, that’s it. The $250 is refundable, no risk:

So, I already posted the specs for the interconnects listed in my virtual profile, along with my active speakers.

Here is the testing data for my Auralex Geofusors:

and the specs:

Aurlalex is pretty good about posting specs.

All we get from you is more hot air....

Still waiting...🙄

@amir_asr , you raise an interesting point about risk. As you are a dealer I respect the fact you might not like when a manufacturer or dealer assumes all the risk in a transaction by offering a 30 or 60 day return policy. The manufacturer or dealer likely feels the return rates are low enough that the policy is profitable since it attracts new customers that otherwise might not try their products..

As a customer I prefer to deal with these types of companies, YMMV.

@amir_asr , I bought an audio product recently from Amazon and it had a 30 day return. I decided I would not keep it. I took it to a local store with a QR code which simply took the package, scanned the code, and that was it I got the refund the next day and didn't pay shipping, package it, nothing. 

This policy seems to work well for Amazon and its associated vendors and apparently customers too. 

@prof, thanks for posting this.

@amir_asr , can you confirm this is your actual room, system, measurements etc?

Any comments about it you want to share re: the specs/measurements that the manufacturer supplied?

If you want help or just want to discuss improving your FR I think this thread would be appropriate, feel free to join:



@thyname , your system looks great, is that a Mapleshade Samson rack you are using? I use their Bedrock speaker stands in the mancave and platform in my HT, Thanks

@thyname , nice Mapleshade rack, love their cables too, and such a solid company to work with. If you look in the pic in my system you’ll see the Mapleshade platform/isolation system on the right. Have you tried their cables yet?

@axo1989 , whatever floats your boat is cool, I agree. But you shouldn't cast spitballs at other peoples boats when yours has holes in it, right? 

@amir_asr , why not join us in the thread on frequency response to discuss?

One manufacturer that I use that posts specs and measurements is Auralex for my room treatments. Of all the things you can screw up in a system you don’t want to screw up the room. I find their products an excellent value as well. They were really helpful answering questions about my setup too and offer a free room analysis, very responsive. If anyone reading this hasn’t bothered to treat their room yet don’t wait. If you look at the pics in my profile you can see various treatments, bass traps, absorbers, diffusors. You can’t really hear what your system is capable of until you tune the room. DSP is limited in what it can do:

They have an app you use to design your layout too:


@fleschler , it is so much less expensive to treat a room (maybe not an auditorium) than to keep switching out components.  Not that it can’t be made better, there is no perfect anywhere, but it is so "right" you just don’t have that same upgraditis any more (at least not to the same degree :) )

I had to work with the room I got, members who have purpose built rooms/studios very fortunate. The Auralex products are so inexpensive for what they deliver, at least in my room it was a great result.

When I see $$$$ speakers in a room surrounded by hard flat surfaces I feel bad, both for the speaker designer whose "vision" gets stuck in a less than ideal setup, and for the owner who is flushing that investment away.

You see people going on and on about what room correction software that came with their receiver and they spend big money to get the one they want. Then they stick that kilobuck receiver in the same untreated room and expect it will be magic, no.

This is a pretty good breakdown on how to get the best of both worlds, DSP and room treatments working together, even if you are not a Sound United customer.

At 5:00 in the video "If you use DSP you want it to do the least amount of work possible..... it can only do so much":


@amir_asr , my sincere compliments on your accomplishments.

Now that you listed your creds I feel even better we are beating you at the

system/FR measurement throw down-

Audiogon Forum 1- ASR 0

You can have a rematch anytime, with those creds you should do much better in the rematch, just answer the bell this time and post your system pics, components, and FR graph in your profile.

Otherwise that really long post of your impressive creds= just more hot air.




Still waiting for you to post something, anything, that is why you have 0.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt you have a system so you do not get -1.

Can we get this game on, will you post your system profile, stop with the hot air already???





Another bait and switch? Please POST, you got creds a mile long, your a dealer, a website owner, and also a guest of this site.

I will give you rematch, NP. As soon as you POST and get rid of that big goose egg that has been coming after ASR in this throw down OK?






You said:

"You don’t even know how to use the tool you have there."

You spent $100K on your tools and can’t even measure your own room, you think I have problems? LOL...


This is another review of the Nordost Tyr2 cables from TAS that includes the specs:

"So, transparency, precision, purity, depth, texture, openness, expansiveness… Nordost’s Tyr 2 loom brings all of this and more to the listening experience. Yet as I wrap up these thoughts another word now pops to mind that perhaps best sums up my analogy between wine and audio: transformative. That is perhaps the ultimate thing I can say about any experience."

Wayne Garcia 2020


@rcaguy welcome to the forum. I agree about attending to both objective and subjective experiences. Do you have a favorite brand that you like that attends to both? 


What companies do is take shortcuts

LOL, are you still sitting in that same room with the bare walls and floors with your mic and laptop? Get a REAL studio Amir, it will help your brand, not to mention your results, stop with the shortcuts already. If you want a reference look at our virtual system area, many members here are taking time to do it proper.



The problem we have is that audio companies think they can just feed you marketing claims and you accept it.

This is ASR defined, you are here feeding your own marketing claims. I am not insulted at all, but did I "accept it" 🤣🤣🤣

@amir_asr do you really want to measure something, let’s start with your OWN room OK?
I’ll go first and if I win I am taking your crown as the new "king of measurements". May the best microphone win 😂😂😂😎:


The problem you have is that the sound coming out of your gear does not change.

Amir, the sound of those speakers you measured with your $$$$ equipment changes the minute you stick them in your room with the bare walls and bare floor. Don’t believe me, measure again and see if you don’t trust your ears.

You would be MUCH better off if you sold your equipment and invested in your room like @fleschler did.

BTW, if you eventually decide to post your measurements I think you will get the help you need here, NP. 





Thanks for your reply, I have a nice room to get the best performance from my speakers. The only time the speakers measure like they do when they are measured in the klippel is when they are in the klippel. As soon as you put them in a room the sound is reflected and changes everything.

If @amir_asr is master you can call me "your majesty" or "king of all measurements" as you prefer. I have opted not to use the HRH designation.

What have you got?

Did everyone notice that @amir_asr didn't reply to my measurement throw down to compare rooms?

He forfeits and now Kota1 is measurement champ!

@amir_asr I am up for a rematch if you ever get your room measured. if you don't I completely understand, it must measure like it looks, very echo like. 



That plot also has before EQ, (the red measurement curve) it looks great. The challenge is about measurements, not talking. Still waiting... (you forgot to call me "king of all measurements", next time ok?) for some type of measurable response.


join the ASR forums and post your evidence. We will have a field day with you.

They will just ban me, no one is allowed on that forum unless they kiss your masters.....feet.

Evidence posted, now bring your master to post his ok?


You need to fetch your master and after he posts something re; his own room we can discuss. 

Anyway, for some of us it’s good to know that there are still people out there on the side of the consumer in these uncertain times of ever diminishing trust.

I trust the members here. When you have websites and self promoters tearing people down to promote themselves that isn't to help consumers.


@amir_asr lost the measurement throwdown and I am now known in this thread as "king of all measurements".

If you want the crown you must throw down and POST what you got 🙄

@kenjit about speakers, perhaps he should give it a go first. 

@kenjit when will you make the spherical speaker you posted about? The one based on studies done in the seventies that was buried by people that make box speakers?


So please, please don't run with stuff manufacturers say.

AND don't run off with what reviewers say. Did you post your in room FR yet?

Why measure speakers that aren't going to perform well because of your room? makes no sense IMO.



What other measurement are you expecting?

Uhhhhh yours.... please post your FR along with your system 


but you can't measure how well I use it.

With which of your hands, right or left? 


You forgot to post your FR, this is throw down to get the crown,

you got nothing, as expected.😫

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