Navigating Mac Mini with I mac

I'm thinking of buying Mac Mini and placing it on my audio rack ,so
I can move my DAC back to the main rig where it belongs , thus I would
eliminate 30' long audio interconnect cable that I'm using now.
So, my question is:can I use my I mac wireless to control the Mac mini,
so I can avoid buying another screen, key board and the mouse?
I thank all of you for your response.

Showing 1 response by drubin

I've been doing this for a couple of years now. I can't remember the specific circumstances, but I found there were times when I really needed to have a monitor hooked up to the Mini -- one would be to setup its screen sharing -- and I ended up with a small monitor and kb and mouse connected to it. But I still mostly control it remotely. After that initial setup, you might be able to do without, or there may be a different way to go about it.