NAS Question

Currently, I have a music dedicated, networked laptop in my home office with all my FLAC files on the HDD. These files are backed-up to a NAS with mirrored HDDs (RAID 1).

I listen in (1) my home office using JRiver on the above laptop direct out to a DAC via USB to a head phone set-up; and (2) my big rig listening area using a second networked laptop that only has the OS and JRiver on its SSD - the FLAC files are accessed from the office-based, networked laptop HDD.

Well, I bought (1) a two-bay NAS with two 2TB HDDs; and (2) a 64GB SDD. I plan to move all my FLAC Files to the new NAS and install the SSD on the office-based laptop to hold only the OS and JRiver.

I will continue to back-up all FLAC files to the previously existing mirrored NAS (RAID 1).

My question: Since I do not need additional back-up, I can configure the new NAS as RAID 0 to in essence give me 4TB of storage spanning the two 2TB HDDs. Is there any downside to this arrangement either in stability, performance or sonics?

If I am asking a silly question, you can tell me that, too.


Showing 1 response by kijanki

Both, mirroring and stripping have the same problem - controller going bad (or virus) can kill both disks. Raid 0 (stripping) has additional problem. When one disk goes bad the other is automatically lost. Stripping is used for speed - not needed in audio.