NAS connected digital streamer with digital out?

Title says it all. Does this product exist, beyond Naims Uniti serve SSD? Want a couple for around the house, where I already have d/a sources.


Showing 3 responses by yetis

Thanks for the responses. I am looking for the highest quality I can justify. I wouldn't want the Sonos. I was drawn to the Transporter SE, with its Aes/ebu digital out, but I don't understand the Nas situation with squeezebox and the Transporter. Seems like you need a pc to get the system to work ?

I found this, which looked promising. But they seem to be out of commission or no longer in business.

Then there is this. Which seems perfect.
But they openly admit that the nas connection is compromise. Also, several would be pretty steep.

It seems the manufacturers that offer a streaming only product (so no D/A function) are the manufacturers that believe pulling data reduces the sound quality. Bryston makes something that would be perfect, but it won't pull from a NAS and soon Lessloss will make similar sd card player... I would note the guy Auraliti designed Brystons player!

Then you have manufacturers such as Naim, Meridian and Linn that swear by the NAS access platform, but won't produce a streaming product, but insist in including their d/a process internally, with an optional coaxial bypass...

I will assume I am in the distinct minority, but I would prefer my own separate DAC, as technology changes...

You have convinced me. Seems like there are a set of"setup" mods that turn off the wireless functions and others, then I notice CI Audio has an upgraded power supply. Do you use any of these?

At the same time, I am going to listen to this Aurender unit. Seems like it gets a lot of buzz. I really want the Aes/ebu output! Though a high price to pa for such an ioption. My experience with transports is that it makes a difference.
Thanks for the feedback. Linn is on the list!

Has anyone seen the MOON 180 MiND. Seems very interesting and certainly a bit of a value. Has anyone heard this?

Thank you